When it comes to garage cleaning, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. From holiday decorations to sporting equipment, your garage can contain multitudes of junk that has built up over the months (or years!). While it may seem unapproachable, with the right steps, almost anyone can clean and organize their own garage. Your friends at RCH Professional Cleaning Company have put together a foolproof plan for cleaning your garage that will help you get a clutter-free garage in no time!
Step One: Categorize
First, take everything out of the garage. This may seem like an impossible task, but it’s important to start with a clean slate. Once everything is out of the garage, you can begin to sort through your belongings. Make three piles: one for items to keep, one for items to donate or sell, and one for items to throw away. This will help you narrow down what goes back into the garage and what doesn’t.
Step Two: Clean
Next, give the garage a good cleaning. sweep and mop the floor, dust all surfaces, and wipe down any shelves or cabinets. Now is also a good time to check for any repairs that need to be made; patch up any holes in the drywall, tighten loose screws, and oil any rusty hinges.
Step Three: Reorganize
Now that the garage is clean, it’s time to start putting things back. But before you do, take a few minutes to plan out how you want to organize your space. Decide what needs to be easily accessible and what can be stored away. Having a plan will make the process of putting things back much easier (and quicker!).
RCH Professional Cleaning Company
Once you’ve finished organizing, congratulations! You now have a clean and organized garage that will make your life much easier. But if the thought of tackling such a big project on your own is daunting, don’t worry – the professionals at RCH Professional Cleaning Company are here to help! We specialize in deep cleaning services for both residential and commercial properties, so we know a thing or two about getting rid of dirt and grime. Contact us today for a free estimate! Not only will we save you time and energy, but we’ll also ensure that the job is done right. Call RCH Professional Cleaning Company today! We look forward to hearing from you.