RCH Cleaning prides itself on comprehensive cleaning services for homes and businesses in Southwest Missouri. Our employees know how to clean your place from top to bottom thoroughly. We leave no corner untouched. In today’s blog from RCH Professional Cleaning, we discuss how to clean a room properly and effectively.
Related Post: How to Clean and Declutter Your Attic
Follow a Path
Use a methodical approach to cleaning a room, which means following a path around the space. Start from the top and work your way to the bottom. By starting high, dirt falls to the bottom. Begin on one wall, such as the front or back, and then move to the opposite side. Clean the floor last to get any debris that may have fallen while you cleaned the rest of the room.
Work Around Clutter
Clutter makes cleaning a room harder. Work around it as best you can without trying to find a place for your items. For example, lift the stack of magazines to clean under them. Replace the stack after you finish cleaning that spot. If you open a cabinet or drawer to put the magazines away, you may get distracted and start to clean other stuff. Save decluttering your room for another day. Cleaning is all about getting rid of dust, dirt, and grime.
Use Natural Light
Natural light is most effective from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is when sunlight hits the room directly from above without any sharp angles. Sunlight helps you see the dirt, dust, and grime better and with greater clarity.
Quality, Not Quantity
Cleaning your entire room takes some effort. Rather than stress on getting your entire home clean in a single day, pace yourself and clean a few rooms at a time. Tackling one room at a time can prevent burnout. Prioritize your to-do list based on what room is the dirtiest. Consider the kitchen, bathrooms, or kid’s rooms to start. Move to the living room, front room, and dining room the next day. Utility rooms and laundry rooms can be last.
Stock Up on the Basics
You’ll need rubber gloves, dusters, microfiber cloths, and cleaning fluids at the ready. Keep it simple: You only need two or three products to remove dirt and grease from most surfaces. Use a multipurpose cleaner, glass cleaner, and perhaps another cleaner for the bathroom designed for mold and mildew.
Related Post: 5 Secrets of People Who Keep a Clean Home
Contact RCH Cleaning Today
RCH Professional Cleaning specializes in thorough cleaning services for homes and businesses in Southwest Missouri. We’ll visit your facility and complete a customized cleaning solution for you. Contact RCH Cleaning today or call 417-763-8365 for more information on what we do for you!