Bugs Moving In This Summer? Here’s What To Do

Nobody likes bugs! 

But hey—they’re a part of life. 

With that being said, you’d probably (understandably) prefer it if they didn’t set up residence in your home! 

Here at RCH Cleaning, we encounter our fair share of bugs on a regular basis. 

We’ve also helped many clients in getting rid of these pesky critters for good—not necessarily from an ‘extermination’ point of view, but instead, through prevention by cleaning and preparation. 

And a lot of this problem can actually be controlled with a few simple steps! 

Here’s what you need to know. 

What Kinds of Bugs Should You Look For?

Here in the Ozarks, we tend to deal in large part with a few relatively common species, when it comes to ‘home invasion’. 

  • Ants
  • Gnats
  • Roaches
  • Silverfish
  • Spiders
  • Termites

So let’s talk about a few common-sense steps you can take to keep them from coming in and ‘setting up camp’ in your home. 

1. Eliminate Food Sources

Bugs like ants and cockroaches will be more likely to move into your home if they can find stuff to eat (crumbs, trash, food scraps, dirty dish residue, etc.). 

And honestly, one of the best steps you can take to ward off these tiny intruders is to make sure that your home does not provide them with any free meals. 

2. Seal Up The Entry Points

Bugs need to gain entrance to your home somehow. 

And the fewer of these ‘open doors’ you allow to exist, the better!

You can use caulk to seal up gaps around windows and doors. You can also install new weather stripping around your doors and windows to help keep those ‘holes’ closed. 

This will help keep the larger critters, such as spiders, from finding their way inside.

3. Keep Every Room Clean

Here’s the thing about bugs. 

If they do gain entry to your home, they’re going to want to find some nice hiding spots to hole up in. 

You’ll want to dust regularly, pick up trash and debris, and vacuum frequently, especially in the corners and under furniture.

By eliminating as many of these potential hiding places as possible, you’ll stay ahead of bug problems, before they become full blown invasions. 

4. Install Bug Traps

You can purchase bug traps at your local retail store for just about any kind of pesky insects that are commonly found within houses. 

These could include sticky traps, flypapers, electric zappers, Roach Motels, and more. 

Setting up traps can help you to preemptively head off the incursions before they become an issue. They can be most helpful in garages, unfrequented basement rooms, and other out of the way places.

5. Repair Moisture Issues

Moisture, which can come from leaky pipes, damp basements, malfunctioning gutters, etc. can really attract bugs such as gnats and silverfish. In fact, ants are more drawn to moisture than food!

But you can help to prevent this from occurring by fixing moisture issues before they attract any pests. 

Try to fix those dripping faucets, leaky pipes, and other moisture problems before little critters start to move in and set up residence. 

If they can’t find water or moisture, odds are good that no little ‘bug invaders’ will bother trying to set up camp in your domain. 

When Should You Hire A Professional?

Unfortunately, sometimes, you need a professional to help you get rid of an existing bug problem. 

If the infestation is severe, if you can’t figure out what types of bugs you’re dealing with, if the pests are biting you or are otherwise causing health issues, and/or if you’ve tried to get rid of them on your own without success, then it’s probably time to consider seeking the help of a professional. 

If you encounter termites, definitely call in the pros!


At the end of the day, keeping your home bug free really starts with a clean, dry, well-managed home. 

And while this won’t ward off all potential bug invasions, it’ll at least set you up for your best odds of success. 

If you’d like some help in this area, please feel free to contact us here at RCH and let us help you out. A professionally cleaned home (or business) can really help you put up a ‘No Vacancy’ sign for bugs!

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